A National Assistance Card Information Session was recently presented at the Business Eastern Shore (Tasmania) May 2023 'Business After 5' meeting.
The National Assistance Card Service was pleased to be invited to raise awareness of the Card with the group, which is comprised of a variety of business owners from around the local Clarence area.
The presentation focussed on sharing general information about the Card and how to respond if shown a Card, including demonstrating the resources and information contained in the Businesses, Organisations and Government Services Information Pack.
The PDF Information Pack is a newly developed resource that aims to make raising awareness of the National Assistance Card easier for industry groups. The Pack includes links to helpful resources such as images, wording, videos and website links that can be shared with staff and customers.
Along with the Information Pack, a key focus of the presentation was informing businesses how they and their staff can recognise a National Assistance Card and how to respond when shown a Card.
This was highlighted through the National Assistance Card feature video shown at the event which can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkL7XutzOx4.
Overall the Card was incredibly well received, with attendees stating:
- the value they can see in the Card as a tool to assist customers to communicate their needs;
- how the resources developed can assist businesses to raise awareness of the Card;
- how the Card can help create a more inclusive overall community
The National Assistance Card Service thank Business Eastern Shore for the invitation to present the Information Session. Thank you also to attendees, including Luke Edmunds MLC for Pembroke and Dean Young MP, for their support and feedback.
Businesses, organisations or government services can download the dedicated Information Pack for information and resources on how they can learn or share more about the National Assistance Card.

Image is a photograph of a group of white chairs and the National Assistance Card banner setup for presentation to Business Eastern Shore.